USD 2.8563

EUR 2.9651

TRY 0.0797

GBP 3.547

RUB 0.028925

დამატებულია კალათაში მარაგში არ არი საკმარისი რაოდენობა დამატებულია სურვილების სიაში უკვე დამატებულია სურვილების სიაში

2023-10-31 17:39:13

With the support of  Enterprise Georgia’s Export Support component, Georgian companies were able to participate in the Milan international exhibition "Micam & Mipel Milano", where Georgian products aroused great interest.

Under the memorandum signed between Enterprise Georgia and the Vocational Training and Retraining Center for Convicts, an exhibition was held, showcasing the creative works of convicts, probationers, and ex-prisoners from Georgian penitentiary institutions, including leather wallets, belts, bags, and accessories.

At the leather and leather substitute products exhibition, companies successfully established important business connections with international counterparts, engaging in negotiations with countries including Italy, Germany, Canada, Great Britain, China, and Turkey, among others.

The international event was attended by seven Georgian companies: Gepherrini, Cosmo, Geode, Jiano, Re-Market, Nicolo, and Gurosi. 


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